Vincent de Groot: "Onze dienstverlening is volledig gericht op de internationale werknemer. Door de uitgebreide ervaring met en de specifieke kennis over onder meer de fiscale omstandigheden van zeevarenden, personen werkzaam in de offshore-industrie en bij baggerbedrijven, maar ook voor andere internationaal mobiele werknemers, weet u zeker dat uw fiscale zaken in vertrouwde en deskundige handen zijn.

Bent u buiten Nederland werkzaam? Zit u met vragen over belastingen en sociale premies? Niet alleen voor het verzorgen van uw Nederlandse aangifte inkomstenbelasting, maar ook bij advisering over werken buiten Nederland of voor een buitenlandse werkgever en wonen buiten Nederland bent u bij ons aan het juiste adres!"

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About World Maritime Day 2015

The World Maritime Day theme for 2015 is “Maritime education and training”. The theme was adopted to focus attention on the wider spectrum of maritime education and training, in particular its adequacy and quality, as the bedrock of a safe and secure shipping industry, which needs to preserve the quality, practical skills and competence of qualified human resources, in order to ensure its sustainability.

The 1978 STCW Convention and Code, as amended, set the international benchmark for the training and education of seafarers. While compliance with its standards is essential for serving on board ships, the skills and competence of seafarers, and indeed, the human element ashore, can only be adequately underpinned, updated and maintained through effective maritime education and training.

World Maritime Day will be celebrated at IMO Headquarters on Thursday, 24 September 2015, but other events and activities focusing on maritime education​ and training will be held throughout the year. Member Governments, the maritime industry and training centres are invited to organize their own events to support the theme. In 2015 the world Maritime Day Parallel Event will be held in Japan.

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