Vincent de Groot: "Onze dienstverlening is volledig gericht op de internationale werknemer. Door de uitgebreide ervaring met en de specifieke kennis over onder meer de fiscale omstandigheden van zeevarenden, personen werkzaam in de offshore-industrie en bij baggerbedrijven, maar ook voor andere internationaal mobiele werknemers, weet u zeker dat uw fiscale zaken in vertrouwde en deskundige handen zijn.

Bent u buiten Nederland werkzaam? Zit u met vragen over belastingen en sociale premies? Niet alleen voor het verzorgen van uw Nederlandse aangifte inkomstenbelasting, maar ook bij advisering over werken buiten Nederland of voor een buitenlandse werkgever en wonen buiten Nederland bent u bij ons aan het juiste adres!"

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The Good Country Index

The idea of the Good Country Index is pretty simple: to measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away. Using a wide range of data from the U.N. and other international organisations, we’ve given each country a balance-sheet to show at a glance whether it’s a net creditor to mankind, a burden on the planet, or something in between.

It’s important to explain that we are not making any moral judgments about countries. What I mean by a Good Country is something much simpler: it’s a country that contributes to the greater good.

The Good Country Index is one of a series of projects I’ll be launching over the coming months and years to start a global debate about what countries are really for. Do they exist purely to serve the interests of their own politicians, businesses and citizens, or are they actively working for all of humanity and the whole planet? The debate is a critical one, because if the first answer is the correct one, we’re all in deep trouble.

The Good Country Index doesn’t measure what countries do at home: not because I think these things don’t matter, of course, but because there are plenty of surveys that already do that. What the Index does aim to do is to start a global discussion about how countries can balance their duty to their own citizens with their responsibility to the wider world, because this is essential for the future of humanity and the health of our planet. I hope that looking at these results will encourage you to take part in that discussion.

Today as never before, we desperately need a world made of good countries. We will only get them by demanding them: from our leaders, our companies, our societies, and of course from ourselves.

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